Keyword Research Methods
Google autocomplete
- Look for your relevant keywords
- Use “%” to generate more results
- Don’t forget the 2nd most popular search engine in the world! Youtube
People also ask + related searches
- People also ask
- Related searches
Professional tools
- Semrush/ahrefs keyword research + competitor data
- Google Ads keyword tool
Google Search Console
It shows your own data - the keywords that you are ranked & get traffic to. We’ll cover this more in-depth on “Low Hanging Fruits” section.
Competitor Websites
Only relevant if your competitor followed the core SEO principles.
Most common keyword research techniques and tools:
- Google and YouTube Suggest helps to find long tail keywords that make up the majority of all Google searches.
- Ubersuggest gives you insight into strategies that work for others in your market.
- AnswerThePublic, Bing, Keyword Surfer, SEMrush and Ahrefs might be functional for searching keywords.