The Basics

What is it

An internal link is used for going another page from one page on your website. Both your users and search engines uses links to navigate your site. You can use these links on your homepage, menu, and related content for users. Since links allow search engine to determine content value, good internal links are vital for SEO.

By adding right internal links, make sure that Google understand your content.

How to set up an internal link strategy

You should improve internal link strategy regularly.

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Target pages can still be found in Google’s search results. If you want a page to appear in search results, you should give them a noidexed tag.

<aside> 🧐 After deciding what links should be on a page, it's important to use the right anchor text. Anchor text is text that visitors can see and click through. For example, the link text for the two internal links in the following example is "link diagrams" and "paid links":



You can damage your website if you over-optimize the anchor text. While it's fine to use keywords, don't include exactly the same keywords in the anchor text of each link.

Internal link check - WordPress

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Internal link check - Shopify

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Not to do with internal links:
